
Fiber laser

Fiber optic laser cutting systems are rapidly replacing other metal cutting tools, such as more traditional ones using CO2 laser technology. But what is fiber laser? Laser cutting machines differ in type of laser, structure and operation. The fiber optic laser is an evolution of laser systems that offers considerable advantages including increased efficiency and performance. For this reason, the fiber laser is widely used in various sectors, including sheet metal, where it is used for metal cutting and engraving. Let’s take a look at how it works and what its advantages are in detail.

What is fiber optic laser

The fiber laser was created in response to production needs increasingly based on automation and the search for high performance to maintain competitiveness on the market. It is a solid-state laser in which the laser beam is amplified by an optical fiber “pumped” through diodes. The fiberglass is doped with elements such as erbium, neodymium or ytterbium; the particular concentration of these metals therefore makes it possible to amplify and guide the laser radiation.

The advantages of fiber laser compared to CO2 laser

The fiber optic laser offers several advantages for cutting and marking compared to other laser systems. The first is the quality of the workmanship thanks to the very high precision of the beam. The fiber laser has a wavelength of about 1.064 μm, which is about 10 times shorter than the CO2 laser. Its focal diameter is equivalent to that of a hair, allowing an intensity up to 100 times greater than that obtained with the CO2 laser. The electrical-optical conversion efficiency of the fiber laser increases by more than 30%, thus offering a distinct advantage for production. Consumption is very low, thus favouring energy savings with a consequent reduction in environmental impact.

In summary, the advantages of fiber laser are:

  • Extreme cutting quality
  • High processing speed
  • Minimal maintenance
  • Very short production times
  • Energy savings
  • High efficiency and stability performance
  • Maximum flexibility in machining

Why use fiber laser cutting for sheet metal and metals

The advantages of the fiber optic laser have made this technology the most widespread in several sectors. The CO2 laser is still widely used in cutting plastic and organic materials. The fiber laser, on the other hand, is particularly suitable for marking and cutting sheet metal and metal profiles thanks to its impeccable precision and flexibility. The shorter wavelength of the laser beam also makes it possible to process highly reflective metals such as brass and copper. It is also perfect for drilling tubes and sheets, producing spots with an infinitesimal radius. To these advantages are added all those already highlighted of greater efficiency and speed, less maintenance and reduction of energy consumption.


The Cutlite Penta fiber laser systems

Cutlite Penta designs, manufactures and distributes worldwide high-tech systems for metal fiber laser cutting with exceptional performance. The experience of 30 years in the sector and the know-how acquired have allowed us to create the first laser cutting head in Italy and Europe capable of supporting powers up to 30 kW. The internal production and proprietary technology make it possible to satisfy the customer’s requests with customised laser cutting systems.

The advantages of choosing a Cutlite Penta laser machine:

  • Fiber laser cutting up to 30 kW power
  • In-house designed and manufactured cutting head
  • More compact layout 
  • Fastest automatic bench changeover on the market
  • Linear motors
  • Absolute encoders for axis positioning
  • Consumption reduced up to 35%
  • Systems for working on large dimensions
  • Possibility of loading/unloading and warehouse systems
  • Customised configurations

Discover our fiber optic laser cutting machines or contact us for more information.